Easter Whitaker Mason Clark
Easter Whitaker Mason Clark
This website is designed to serve as a form of communication for the descendants of Easter Whitaker and her siblings. 

We celebrated our third family reunion in Harlan, Kentucky in 2018 with over 80 men, women and children in attendance! The first family reunion was in Harlan in 1995. The second was in Macon, GA in 2020. The fourth is being planned for 2021. Family, keep coming to these family reunions! Have them more often and bring your children. Strengthen our family ties.

 One of Easter's siblings' (Mary) grandchildren, Mrs. Monique Joseph, attended the 2018 Family Reunion in Harlan. Monique is researching the family history and gave a PowerPoint  (PPT) presentation on some of her findings. Very interesting! Look for the PPT on this website.

Well, thank you for stopping by. Don't forget to sign the guest book to let others know who is visiting and when. Confidently exchange contact information on the guest book and in the family directory.


A good name is better than precious ointment. . .  (Eccl 7:1 NKJ)